Eli Alexander, you turned three months old on Friday. How is that possible? In the past three months you've gone from being a teeny warm slug-baby who slept all day to a lively, bouncy little man who thinks sneezes are hilarious and naps are for suckas.
The past month has been a big one for you, little man. You've learned how to roll over and laugh. You've discovered your hands and you love to grab onto things and slobber all over them. You became a drool machine and you want to gnaw on everything in sight, which has me worrying about teeth already, but from what I've read, the drool-chew-slobber stage can last for many weeks.
You went on your first sleepover and had some play dates. You made Valentines for your grandparents, aunts and uncles, went for walks around the neighbourhood, and spent most of your days hanging out with your mama.
Your smile is hands down the most beautiful one I've ever seen. When you're happy, your whole face lights up, your big brown eyes crinkle up and you let out a squeal that makes whoever's holding you absolutely melt. When you wake us up at some obscenely early hour and we stagger into your room to get you, a little crabby at the rude awakening, and you greet us with one of those smiles, we stop caring about what time it is. That smile is what makes me think "oh, we could have another baby or two, absolutely."
When you're mad, you're a completely different baby. Your little face turns tomato red, your hands ball up into fists and you kick and punch like a maniac. We're starting to discover what calms you down quickly. On that note, we'll be installing a ceiling fan in your room very, very soon, and your nightly bath has become a welcome ritual - as soon as your clothes come off you're instantly quiet and happy. When you're in a particularly horrendous mood, I start googling vasectomies and swear up and down you'll be an only child. But eventually you smile again or give us one of your crazy giggles and that's all forgotten.
You weigh 13 pounds, 12 ounces. You're wearing 3-6 month clothes and are starting to bust out of your size 1 diapers.You're still rocking the full head of hair, and it's getting lighter. You've got rolls on your legs and dimply elbows, a big fat belly and a skinny bum.
We love every single inch of you and can't wait to see what month four brings.