Thank You

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

I love Thanksgiving. The older I get, the more I appreciate this holiday. It's all the yumminess of Christmas dinner, minus the hustle and bustle and gift-buying and party overload. It's truly a day to take a time out, relax with family, eat good food and reflect on the good things in your life.

This year I have a lot to be thankful for.

My health. It's easy to take for granted--you wake up in the morning and go through the day without thinking, "gee, it's awesome that I can walk around and breathe and function." Well, it IS awesome. If I feel like it I can go outside and run five miles or spend a day walking around the city. I'm not restricted physically and that's a beautiful thing.

My family. No matter what's going on, they are supportive. They listen to me rant and they don't judge. I don't understand people who say they hate their parents or their siblings.

My job. Sure, I wake up in the morning and I moan and groan about having to get out of bed and go to work and sit through this or that meeting or conference call, but at the end of the day, the work is challenging, projects are fun, and opportunity exists. I have chances to advance and grow. There's a ton to learn, and I love that. I hate the feeling of knowing everything there is to know about something, and I have been in jobs like that before--jobs I could have stayed at for 20 or 30 years without learning anything new. That's not the case now, and that's something I'm happy about.

My soon-to-be-husband. In 10 days I'll be married and H2B is lovelier every day. I couldn't be more thrilled about getting to spend every day with my best friend and I'm very lucky.

Little things. I'm happy I live near a grocery store and a coffee shop and a bookstore. I'm happy my car has a temperature gauge in it. I'm thankful for mornings when H2B makes me poached eggs for breakfast so I don't have to eat cereal for the 9527328556th day in a row. I'm thankful for getting real mail that doesn't involve bills or flyers. Leftover Timbits at the office. Seeing a cute dog on the drive home from work. The smell of burning leaves in the fall. Evening walks. Having a treadmill in the building. Midday texts. Every day, I could (and should) be able to write a list of things I'm thankful for, and I wouldn't even have to repeat a thing for many, many days.

I'm lucky and I don't appreciate the good things enough. I need to show more gratitude.

What are you thankful for?

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  1. Aww, such a good list!! I think it's great to take some time out and remember what we are thankful for and just how lucky we are!!

    I'm thankful for my family and friends, my handsome dog, fact that I do have a job, a roof to sleep under, and that Glee is on tonight:)

  2. hmmm, lots of different things.

    1. my family. My kids are so awesome and loving, they're as awesome as a puppy. My wife is the most unbelievably supportive person in the world and she makes running my business possible. without her support, I'd be nothing.

    2. my clients and partners. you guys make everything possible. you provide interesting and exciting challenges that really make me want to get up each day. I know I work a lot but I really love every minute of it.

    3. beer.

    4. bicycles. i don't have much time to ride any more, but everytime I do, it's like being a kid again and I love that feeling.

  3. This post made me smile!! Thanks Amy!!

  4. This is a great list. The wedding is so soon! I know you must be busy.

    When you feel like taking a break, I've given you an award on my blog.

  5. I love this! I do a "Things I Love Thursday" on my blog but after reading this I'm thinking of changing it to "Things I'm Thankful For Thursday" :)

  6. Thanksgiving is my fave holiday since I was little. Blame it on my love of food. And I like to count blessings too! I'm so grateful for the little things each day - seeing a pretty tree, getting something fun in the mail, eating a good dinner, having a good show to watch. I want to make the most of every day.
