What's haaaaaappening?
Monday, March 23, 2015[+] I started training for the Bluenose half marathon a few weeks ago. So far all my training has been on the treadmill. I haven't run outside since January 1, and it's killing me! Our sidewalks are nonexistent (on our particular street they're under 3-4 feet of snow? Not conducive to running) and I can't wait to get back outside. In the meantime, training has been going well. My tentative game plan this time around is to stick with the 2:00:00 10:1 pace bunny (run 10 minutes, walk one minute, finish in two hours) - because you can do anything for 10 minutes, right? Times 12? I did eight miles the Saturday before last, and it felt easy breezy but again, outside and treadmill are two very different animals. Then on Sunday I did nine miles and it felt like death.
[+] I read Summer House with Swimming Pool last week and loved it. So now I'm reading The Dinner by the same author, Herman Koch. It's obvious something terrible is about to happen but I don't know what, and I can't wait to find out. It makes the bus ride to and from work fly by.
[+] Kendrick Lamar's new album is out and I'm loving it so far. King Kunta and The Blacker The Berry are both in high rotation.