2016 Goals

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

It's New Year's Eve Eve, meaning my least favourite day of the year is looming, tomorrow. I've never been a fan of New Year's Eve. There were, like, two years I was into it and they were both around the dawn of the new millennium (excuse me, Willennium) and every year before and since New Year's Eve has made me melancholy, sad that another year is gone, conscious of the fact that I'm another calendar year closer to death, worried that I frittered away the previous year, wondering what people who are cooler than me are doing, feeling hateful that I care in the first place.

It's also time to set some goals for the new year.

Have a clean house. Over the Christmas season and as we've been renovating our master bathroom it has been made more apparent to me that I hate having a messy house. This year I want to invest more time and money into having a clean house. I just bought a new Dyson vacuum and also gathered up a bag of things to donate today, and these two things make me feel like I'm on the right track. This year I'll be doing a lot of decluttering and purging, mostly of my stuff but also Eli's plethora of toys, books and old baby items. I also plan to splurge on a professional housecleaning a few times. It feels like a luxury but it's really money well spent, in my opinion.

Floss every day. I realize this is second nature for some people but historically I tend to be really good about flossing for, like, a month, and then it falls by the wayside. As an all-or-nothing person, I need to just make it a daily thing in order to make sure it gets done.

Eat one veggie-based meal every day. I've already figured out I feel my best when I eat a mostly veggie diet. My body lets me know when it wants red meat but for the most part I'm fine eating vegetarian with the occasional eggs thrown in. In 2016 I'll be eating one veggie-based meal every day: a salad, a soup, stir fry, veggie chilli, or a buddha bowl heavy on the veg. I recently picked up the Oh She Glows cookbook and got Thug Kitchen Party Grub for Christmas so I'm sure these will help me out with tasty, veggie-heavy ideas.

Drink one more glass of water every day. I already drink lots of water, especially when I'm at work, but it never hurts to have a little extra. My goal here is just to drink one more glass of water each day, in particular on the weekends when I don't have my big water bottle in front of me and am less likely to get my three litres.

Invest in good skincare. This year I started using Ole Henriksen Truth Serum and while I balked at the price in the beginning, it's made a difference in the way my skin looks and feels. This year I want to get into a good skincare routine - exfoliating on Tuesdays and Thursdays and doing a masque on Sundays. Another habit I'd like to be more diligent about is wearing sunscreen every day. It's in my BB cream but during sunny weather, especially, wearing a separate sunscreen isn't a bad idea.

Commit to regular yoga. Yoga tends to be an afterthought for me. Around 8:30pm I'll be laying on the couch and think, "I should really do my yoga app" and guess what doesn't end up happening. I go weeks in between yoga practices and then when I do it, I feel better and vow to do it more often. I think yoga needs to happen earlier in the day or I need to actually go to a class to hold myself accountable.

Spend (and save) more mindfully. I'm usually pretty good about not overspending but December has been verrrrrry spendy around here, and I only put money in my savings account and RRSPs sporadically. I'm setting up monthly calendar reminders to contribute to my savings and will also be keeping a closer eye on where my money is going. In 2015, my favourite memories were mostly from travel, vacations, and experiences: our family vacation at the beach, a Valentine's Day getaway to Montreal and seeing Taylor Swift in Toronto with some girlfriends, for example, as well as beach days, races, dinners with friends and outings with the boys. I don't really have any memories associated with things I've spent money on, which is something to keep in mind for 2016.

Delete Facebook. I hate Facebook and I barely post anything personal on that site. I don't spend much time there, so it's not like it's eating up my day or anything, but I feel like it adds nothing of value to my life and is just another way for people to keep tabs on me that I'd rather not have to deal with. I've been keeping Facebook because I'm scared of missing out on event invites. This year I want to bite the bullet and get rid of Facebook, even just for a few months to see how it goes.

Are you making any New Year's resolutions? 

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  1. Great goals - You might want to check out the book the Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up... might be right up your alley for your first goal :)

    I wish I was already good at drinking water... but it's always a struggle! My goal should be... 8 more glasses of water :)

  2. Amy - Delete Facebook! I deactivated back in October and it's the best thing I've ever done. I do not miss the event and birthday reminders, the invitations to play games, the offensive news stories featuring abused animals and children, the ignorant idiots adding their two cents to gossip, rumors, debates... Life goes on without Facebook. You have Instagram for photos, Twitter for news, and a PHONE for family. It works!
    As for 2016 goals, I really didn't set any. I'd be really happy if I keep the pace I set for myself last year, but there's always room for more.
